There are a number of disorders that are more likely to occur in seniors, with arthritis being one of the most common ones. These types of disabilities often make it very difficult for an elderly person to safely stand, which is why many rely upon riser recliner chairs to help increase accessibility.

What can a riser recliner Look Like?
riser recliner chairs, or Lift Chairs, often not only look very similar to a standard recliner, but can also offer many similar features, such as a reclining backrest, footrest, and sometimes even hidden storage compartments in the armrests. While on the outside a lift chair often resembles a recliner, they are actually a great deal different underneath. This is because the electric recliner is designed to make it easier for the senior to stand and sit, including a strong lifting system that can raise up the chair and its occupant safely to their feet.

Finding the correct fit for you
riser recliner chairs come in all different shapes and sizes, so it is never a problem to find one that will fit with your homes furnishings or body type. However, for safety reasons, it is imperative that the riser recliner chairs is rated to support the bodyweight of the user, as well as their height. The height and weight ratings are typically posted on the website and can vary by model.

Bodyweight is important because the electric motor is only rated to lift a certain weight. Exceeding this limit can put extra wear and tear on the motor and will eventually cause it to fail. The users height is important because the height that the riser recliner rises off of the ground is based off of the height of its user. Therefore, a lift chair that is made for someone how is six feet tall will rise a great deal higher than one made for someone who is under five feet tall.

The height and weight rating are not the only important recliner measurements. Instead, it is also important to consider the actual dimensions of the seat. This includes the seats depth and width, as well as the height of the back. All of these dimensions help ensure that the riser recliner will safely and comfortably fit its user. To get an idea of how these measurements feel and what they mean, you can use a tape measure to measure the dimensions of an existing recliner. Then, simply compare these measurements to some of the available recliner.